News ID : 13483

Leader: Iran's dispute with US dates back to 1953 coup and before

Leader: Iran's dispute with US dates back to 1953 coup and before

Leader: Iran's dispute with US dates back to 1953 coup and before

Tehran, Nov 3, IRNA – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Sunday that some try to distort history and say that Iran-US dispute originated from seizure of the US embassy in 1979, whereas it dates back to US coup against Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953.

Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with school and university students that the US-backed coup led to setting up a corrupt dependent regime in Iran.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that since November 1964, when the shah sent Imam Khomeini into exile, the US has not changed even a little bit. It is the same US, the same wolf, the dictator, the same evil that knows no borders.  

The US is less powerful than it was then; but wilder and more shameless right now, he said.

The US was hostile to the people of Iran even before the Islamic Revolution. They toppled a national government of Iran in a coup in 1953, although that government was somewhat responsible for the coup, because of the trust it placed in the US, he said.

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