News ID : 35658

Envoy upbeat with end of lawless Trump

Envoy upbeat with end of lawless Trump

New York, Jan 21, IRNA - Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Majid Takht Ravanchi has said that era of those who were implementing maximum pressure policy is over.

"Those who boasted about a "maximum pressure" policy hoping to bring Iran to its knees are now gone," the ambassador said in a Twitter post on Wednesday.

Takht Ravanchi wrote in reaction to the end of four-year presidency of Donald Trump who withdrew unilaterally from the 2015 nuclear deal in 2018 and imposed highest level of sanctions against Iran.

US president-elect Jo Biden was introduced as the 46th American president at a ceremony on January 20.

"Iran’s reality can't be ignored, & all attempts to undermine it have failed," the ambassador tweeted.

"So, will the new US admin learn from past US hostility, ignorance  & failure?

"Time will tell."

President Hassan Rouhani hailed the end of the tyrant from the White House.

Trump caused thousands of deaths in Iran by US strict sanctions on Iran and has been accountable for Crimes Against Humanity in Iran.

Iran initiated proceedings with the International Court of Justice in The Hague demanding $200 billion reparation for damaging Iranian economic by the US sanctions.

US refused to heed the ICJ Provisional Measures demanding the US Administration not to damage Iranian economy further.

Meanwhile, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in an interview had described Trump's tenure as "one of the darkest days" in US history.

She also introduced Trump as accomplice to "domestic terrorism."

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