News ID : 37459

Iran, Iraq mulling border guards coordination

Iran, Iraq mulling border guards coordination

Tehran, March 2, IRNA – Iran’s Border Guards Commander Brigadier-General Ahamdali Goudarzi, held talks with his Iraqi counterpart on Tuesday, on ways to bolster border guards coordination to combat smuggling of arms and goods deemed anti-ethical.

The meeting took place on Tuesday noon in Tehran aiming to expand interactions and consolidating border security in different fields.

Brigadier-General Goudarzi said that Iran’s border guards have developed professional capability to safeguard 8,755 kilometers of borders with 15 countries surrounding Iran.

Iran’s Border Guards intercepted some 130 tons of various narcotics on the borders a year and prevents illegal export of over 81K heads of Livestock.

Pointing to the 1,609-km Iran-Iraq border, the commander said that the two countries have good interaction given the high length of borders and that Iran didn’t allow border markets to be closed during the pandemic.

In the meeting, Iraq’s Border Control Commander Lieutenant General Hamed Abdullah Ibrahim condemned US sanctions imposed on Iran and hoped that Iran would stand against the pressure as the most powerful country in the region.

He commemorated the late General Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis assassinated in the US terrorist attack last year in Baghdad airport.

He pointed to the joint sacrifice by Iranian and Iraqi people in fighting against Daesh (ISIS), asserting that the brotherhood between the two nations brought them victory.

The Iraqi commander said the country is strengthening and equipping its borders to fight against armed groups and smuggling.

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