News ID : 37527

Pakistani daily criticizes EU Troika anti-Iran approach in IAEA

Pakistani daily criticizes EU Troika anti-Iran approach in IAEA

Islamabad, March 3, IRNA -- A leading Pakistani English news daily has strongly criticized Germany, France and UK over lobbying against Iran at International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors, saying that it is likely to make matters in an already restive region much worse.

Daily ‘The Nation’ in its editorial comments on Wednesday asked why are the three countries, members of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, displaying hawkish behaviour? Is it because Iran boycotted the EU-brokered talks with the US over the future of the nuclear deal?

It said the troika’s resolution is akin to Trump’s failed policy of “maximum pressure” against Iran.

“Unfortunately, Germany, France and the UK, instead of playing a constructive role in the resumption of talks, are complicating the already undermined deal. The European states need to see Iran’s threats of not adhering to the agreement as a bargaining chip,” viewed the editorial.

The Nation said that it is important to remember that it was not the Iranian government that violated any terms of the deal but the United States walked out of the agreement.

“Biden administration, instead of honouring its promises, is backing the European resolution,” it said.

The paper added this does not reflect the Biden administration’s stated commitment to return to the 2015 deal.

“If the resolution is passed by the IAEA, Iran will show no leniency in ending the temporary three-month agreement that it struck with the UN watchdog last month,” noted the editorial.

It said instead of bringing a resolution against Tehran, the European countries must convince the US to comply and lift the sanctions.

The Nation added there is no reason to condemn Iran when the watchdog has already declared its nuclear program peaceful so far.

“The bitter truth is that the US is trying to play a double game. While it promises that it is returning to Obama’s deal, its actions show that it has not moved an inch from Trump’s doctrine. Securing peace and a successful nuclear deal with such duplicitous dealings is just wishful thinking,” said the editorial.

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