News ID : 40461

Leader’s Top Aide Casts Doubt about Israel's Survival

Leader’s Top Aide Casts Doubt about Israel's Survival

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Supreme Leader's top adviser for international affairs Ali Akbar Velayati said that the challenges facing the Zionist regime have have cast serious doubt about its future and survival.

“Today, thanks to the efforts made by the Palestinian resistance groups against the Zionist regime and the security strategies that are on the agenda of the resistance front in the field to confront the regime, the survival of this usurper regime, which also faces serious challenges from inside, is in question as it is exposed to annihilation more than any other time,” Velyati, also Secretary-General of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening, said on Sunday.

He referred to the past defeats of the occupying Zionist regime in Jerusalem, from the 33-day war to the Gaza war, and the failures in Syria and other regions, saying that realization of this strategic assessment of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei that “the Zionist regime will not see the next 25 years" can be seen soon.

Velayati also blasted certain Arab states who have normalized ties with Israel, and said it is a betrayal that will backfire on the leaders of those countries by popular protests against their policies.

He underlined that Iran has always considered itself as a sympathizer and ally of the Palestinian people, adding that this solidarity is not only in the political arena and diplomacy but it is also in action and resistance.

“Iran will remain beside the Palestinian nation and the resistance groups until liberation of the holy Quds,” Velayati said, adding that the Palestinian issue remains as one of the important and prioritized subjects in the Islamic Republic’s foreign policy.

In relevant remarks earlier today, Iranian Army Chief Commander Major General Seyed Abdolrahim Mousavi said that the recent developments indicate that the Zionist regime is collapsing.

“This year, Quds Day was a day of resistance and hope, which was different from other years outside and inside the country and thanks God, fortunately, the signs of decline of the child-killer and illegitimate Zionist regime have become obvious and the promising signs of a change in the power balance to the benefit of Palestine are seen every moment,” General Mousavi said on Sunday.

He noted that the signs of the earlier promise that “the Zionist regime will not see 20 years later” are being seen, adding that all of these indicate the growth of resistance forces.

General Mousavi expressed the hope that the Palestinian nation would soon take back their usurped lands from Israel and the holy Quds would return to the Islamic Ummah.

Last Friday, the International Quds Day, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in a speech stressed that Israel is not a country but a terrorist base against the people of Palestine and other Muslim nations.

"Since the first day, the Zionists turned the usurped Palestine into a terrorist base. Israel is not a country, but a terrorist camp against the Palestinian nation and other Muslim nations," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

"Fighting against this despotic regime is fighting against oppression and terrorism. And this is a collective responsibility," the Supreme Leader added.

“Today, the situation in the world is not like those days. We should keep this reality within sight. Today, the balance of power has swung in favor of the world of Islam. Various political and social incidents in Europe and in the United States have laid bare the weaknesses and the deep structural, managerial and moral conflicts among westerners. The electoral events in the US and the notoriously scandalous failures of the hubristic and arrogant managers in that country, the unsuccessful one-year fight against the pandemic in the US and Europe and the embarrassing incidents that ensued, and also the recent political and social instabilities in the most important European countries are all signs of the downward movement of the western camp,” he added.

“On the other hand, the growth of the Resistance forces in the most sensitive Islamic regions, the development of their defensive and offensive capabilities, their growth of self-awareness, motivation and hope in Muslim nations, the increasing tendency to follow Islamic and Quranic slogans and the growth of independence and self-reliance in nations are auspicious signs of a better future,” the leader said.

“In this auspicious future, cooperation between Muslim countries should be a main and fundamental goal and this does not seem unlikely. The pivot around which this cooperation turns is the issue of Palestine–the entirety of that country–and the fate of Holy Quds. This is the same truth that guided the enlightened heart of the great Imam Khomeini (God’s mercy upon him) towards the announcement of International Quds Day on the last Friday of Ramadan,” Ayatollah Khamenei underlined.

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