News ID : 40992

Leader issues message following resistance's victory over Zionist regime

Leader issues message following resistance's victory over Zionist regime

Tehran, May 21, IRNA- The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyid Ali Khamenei congratulated the Palestinian people on their victory over the Zionist regime in their 12-day battle.

According to IRNA on Friday night, the Supreme Leader in his letter saluted the Palestinian nation and said "Peace be upon the powerful and oppressed Palestine, the brave and zealous youth of Palestine, the heroic and resilient Gaza, Hamas and Jihad and all the political groups in Palestine.

He thanked the God All-mighty for the victory and honour he bestowed on the Palestinian warriors and voiced his congratulations for victory over the criminal Zionist regime.

The divine test of these few days made the Palestinian people proud. The savage enemy correctly recognized to be incapable against the unified uprising of Palestinian people. In these 12 days, the tyrant regime committed great crimes mainly in Gaza, and practically proved its inability to resist against Palestinian uprising. The continuation of the crimes and the request for a ceasefire both indicates its defeats. Finally, the enemy had to accept defeat, he added.

The Supreme Leader further stressed that the evil regime will become even weaker. The readiness of the Palestinian youth and the sabre-rattling of the valuable jihad groups will increasingly make Palestine stronger and the aggressor enemy more powerless and despicable.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the beginning and ending of the conflicts depended on the discretion of Palestinian warriors and political leaders, but the preparation and strong presence are not to be stopped.

The Islamic world is completely responsible for Palestine issue and at the same time has a religious duty. Political intellect and ruling experiences also confirm and emphasize this religious decree. Muslim states should sincerely support Palestinian people, either in their military reinforcement or their financial support, he further noted.

The Leader added that the demand and pursuit of nations supports this religious and political demand. Muslim nations must demand this from their governments and the nations themselves are obliged to provide financial and political support as much as possible.

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