News ID : 42805

New CBI governor appointed

New CBI governor appointed

Speaking to reporters, Vaezi said that the appointment was made after the approval of members of the cabinet.

He is replacing Abdolnasser Hemmati who ran for the June 18 presidential elections in Iran but failed.

Komijani undertook the role of caretaker for the CBI, but, according to Vaezi, the Central Bank could not be managed by a caretaker so a governor should be appointed when an ex-chief resigns or is not able to continue its work.

Elsewhere, the official talked of the Vienna talks between Iran and 4+1 and said Tehran wants a guarantee on the removal of the sanctions.

Iran does not want to see what happened under the former US President Donald Trump taking place again, Vaezi stressed.

Despite Iran's faithfulness, Trump withdrew unilaterally from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 and imposed, as he claimed, the highest level of sanctions on Tehran.

Surely, Iran has the right to make sure of that, Vaezi noted, stressing the importance of verification after lifting the sanctions.

It was the United States that left the international deal, so it should prove its commitment to the document; then Iran will go back to its commitments after verification, he added.

Iran has expressed repeatedly that it will immediately return to its JCPOA commitments based as soon as the US does so.

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