News ID : 44188

President Raisi: Iran and Pakistan enjoy unbreakable ties

President Raisi: Iran and Pakistan enjoy unbreakable ties

Raisi said the Tehran-Islamabad relations are beyond the two neighboring countries’ ties, adding that the ties between the two nations are based on shared strong beliefs and cultures, and this makes our close ties unbreakable.

The new Iranian president said that the satisfactory level of Iran-Pakistan relations is far beyond their current level, pointing out that new ways for further deepening our bilateral ties can be sought.

We need to identify the capacities for broader bilateral ties and greater cooperation between our two countries to serve both nations’ interests as well as the region’s interests, added Raisi.

The president also referred to the significance of broadening parliamentary ties between Iran and Pakistan, adding: The parliaments of the two countries can play constructive and beneficial roles in the path towards having broader bilateral ties.

Elsewhere in his remarks, President Raisi expressed deep worries about the existing tensions and unrest in Afghanistan, emphasizing that cooperation between Iran and Pakistan aimed at establishing sustainable peace and security in that country is urgently needed.

The current status of the Afghan nation is nerve-wracking, he said, adding the two countries should take joint initiatives to prevent further plight for Afghanistan's Muslim nation.

The new Iranian president said that the presence of the American forces has nowhere in the world led to resolving problems, but has, on the contrary, further aggravated the difficulties.

President Raisi reiterated that Afghanistan must be free from the interference of the aliens and by the Afghans, themselves, decide its own fate through peaceful, all-Afghan dialogues.

The Pakistani Senate Speaker Muhammad Sadeq Sanjarani, too, in the meeting conveyed the warm congratulations of the Pakistani president and prime minister, arguing that Iran and Pakistan are like two souls in the same body, enjoying brotherly ties.

I am sure with the positive approach of your good self about the further expansion of bilateral ties with Pakistan, the two countries’ comprehensive cooperation will reach a spectacular level, added Sanjarani.

He referred to America’s impotence in securing peace and stability in Afghanistan and said the United States is the main source of insecurity in various regions of the world, and keeping in mind the status quo of our region, we request you to harmonize among the Islamic countries for the establishment of regional peace and stability.

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