News ID : 44920

Root causes of collapse of government, rise of Taliban in Afghanistan

Root causes of collapse of government, rise of Taliban in Afghanistan

Taliban forces’ advancements in a week surprised the world, because they could take the control of security of Afghanistan easily and President Ashraf Ghani was forced to flee the country.

The speed of developments in political arena of Afghanistan is significant, so the need for reviewing socio-political developments in the country is felt.

The change seems to be a kind of revolution, while it has not been so far as violent as other revolutions throughout history, when they experience much more human losses.

Some analysts blame domestic plot as the root cause of change of power in Afghanistan, but others are of the opinion that foreign-hatched conspiracy especially by former and current administrations in the United States played a key role in this respect.

Aside from the effects of internal or external elements affecting Afghanistan’s political spectrum, it is obvious that none of the elements alone could change power in the country so swiftly.

Root causes of collapse of government, rise of Talian in Afghanistan

Tribal Structure

Afghanistan enjoys a tribal society, which is very incoherent. Therefore, one of the main elements that caused the defeat of the legal government in Afghanistan is its incompetency in managing and controlling the tribal structure because each tribe wants its share of the cake of power. There are also ethnic and tribal differences, which may have had foreign triggers, such as regional and ultra-regional powers, who back different ethnic groups and tribes for their own interests.

Root causes of collapse of government, rise of Talian in Afghanistan

Economic Poverty

Afghanistan as a land-locked country enjoys abundant mines, but it suffers from structural incompetency of a defective political and economic system, which has not been able to distribute wealth properly. Poverty and lack of competent government in Afghanistan have led the ordinary people to accept any system except the toppled one and even be consent to a government ruled by Taliban.

Mohsen Rouhi, former Iranian diplomat in Kabul, told IRNA last week that the people of Afghanistan have lost their hope to the government of President Ashraf Ghani and that there is a big gap between the administration and people; thus, the ordinary people have not had enough incentive to stand against the rise of Taliban forces. He pointed to the widespread corruption in Afghanistan, which dissuaded people to vote for president in the last election, so only two million out of 40 million population of the country participated in the presidential election.

Root causes of collapse of government, rise of Talian in Afghanistan

Foreign Interference

Brian Tracy, American thinker, put the blame on the Afghan people who did not stand up against the rise of Taliban, while he should be reminded to see what happened to the nation in last 20 years that caused their inactivity in front of Taliban forces.

There are also some reports saying that the US and other Western powers have supported Taliban, directly and indirectly, to bring them again to power in a bid to guarantee their own interests in the war-stricken country.

In conclusion, the triumph of Taliban and the collapse of the ruling elite in Afghanistan were not incidental, but it was a preplanned project. The foreign supports for the Taliban and their policy of abandoning unallied statesman added up to the element of internal dissatisfaction to pave the ground for downfall of the democratically-elected government in Afghanistan.

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