News ID : 45591

Iran terms xenophobia, Islamophobia as challenges in culture of peace

Iran terms xenophobia, Islamophobia as challenges in culture of peace

In her statement addressing the United Nations High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace, Ershadi said, “Today, culture of peace has been seriously challenged by such phenomenon as hate speech, xenophobia and Islamophobia, creating environment conducive to violence and violent extremism.”

“We support efforts to promote culture of peace and to that end, underline the importance of dialogue among cultures and civilization,” she added.

“Our world today is facing pressing challenges,” she said adding, “It suffers from wars, conflicts, terrorism and violent extremism, poverty and discrimination, as well as unilateralism and unilateral coercive measures which are contrary to international law.”

“As the Secretary-General has rightly put it, world order is becoming increasingly chaotic, democratic principles are under siege, the rule of law is being undermined and multilateralism is under fire, precisely when we need it most,” Ershadi said.

“They are extremely detrimental to such noble values as peace, justice, equality, tolerance and coexistence upon which the United Nations is founded,” she added.

“For, upholding and promoting these values as well as the purposes and principles of the United Nations are more important and necessary than ever,” she noted.

“The Charter makes clear that in order to achieve international peace and security, the Organization and its Members shall act in accordance with the principles of sovereign equality of all States, the peaceful resolution of international disputes, the non-use or threat of use of force and non-intervention in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any State,” Ershadi said.

“Accordingly, a culture of peace cannot be promoted when there are threats to the sovereignty and independence of other states and when basic rules of international law are brazenly violated by imposing unilateral coercive measures, targeting the most vulnerable the most,” she added.

“Promotion of peace and culture of peace requires joint and continuous efforts by the international community, especially in this period when certain countries have growing desire to extensively utilize unilateral measures to secure their interests in violation of international law, undermining international law and order,” Iranian diplomat said.

“Sustainable peace can be attained only when multilateralism and rule of international law are recognized and respected by all member states,” she added.

“In this context, we highlight the critical role that the United Nations can play in the promotion and strengthening of a culture of peace worldwide,” Ershadi reiterated.

“I would like to conclude by stressing that full compliance with the Charter and purposes and principles enshrined therein by all member states is the essential basis and requirement for achieving a culture of peace,” she added.

“We reiterate, once again, our unwavering commitment to multilateralism, in conformity with the United Nations Charter and international law, as the only way to address international challenges,” she noted.

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