News ID : 47535

Spox: Tehran meeting conveys message of rejecting foreign interference in Afghanistan

Spox: Tehran meeting conveys message of rejecting foreign interference in Afghanistan

Tomorrow, Iran will host a meeting of foreign ministers of Afghanistan's neighbors, Khatibzadeh wrote in his Twitter account on Tuesday.
Lasting peace and stability depend on the fulfillment of the people's will, he added.
The Iranian diplomat noted that the message of the Tehran meeting is cooperation and convergence of neighbors instead of competition, as well as participation of all popular groups in the future political structure of Afghanistan.
He added that the meeting also rejects foreign interference in Afghanistan.
Khat‌ibzadeh announced earlier on Tuesday that the second foreign ministerial meeting of neighbors of Afghanistan plus Russia will be held here on Wednesday.
He added that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will inaugurate the meeting and deliver a speech to it.
The meeting will be held with participation of foreign ministers of six neighbors to Afghanistan, the spokesman said, adding that the Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen and Pakistani foreign ministers will take part in person while the Chinese and Russian foreign ministers will attend the meeting online; meanwhile, representatives from Beijing and Moscow will be present in the meeting.
Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres will dispatch a message to the Tehran important meeting and his message indicates that Islamic Republic of Iran is the center of active diplomacy which takes step towards regional peace and stability, the spokesman noted.

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