News ID : 48231

Iran reiterates support for Cause of Palestine

Iran reiterates support for Cause of Palestine

"The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that support for the Palestinian people must continue until the realization of their fundamental rights, in particular the right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent state of Palestine with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital," Sahraei said, addressing the General Assembly 4th Committee explaining vote after the vote on Palestine Resolutions.

The full text of Sahraei statement is as follows:

My delegation welcomes the adoption by overwhelming majority of the all resolutions under agenda items 54 and 55. By adopting these resolutions, the Members of the Committee once again expressed their strong support for the cause of Palestine, in particular the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and also holding the occupying regime accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people, specifically women and children.

From the beginning of the tragedy of Palestine, numerous initiatives have been taken by different concerned countries, the United Nations as well as other international and regional organizations in order to address this crisis and reduce the miseries of the Palestinian people. The adoption of numerous resolutions condemning the occupying regime, presenting different plans and initiatives for peace as well as establishing fact-finding missions have all been in line with efforts to achieve this goal. Despite this fact, the non-compliance of the Israeli regime backed by certain powers, with relevant international law and regulations, has prevented the international community from finding a just solution to the crisis.

The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that support for the Palestinian people must continue until the realization of their fundamental rights, in particular the right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent state of Palestine with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. The historical experiences and developments of recent years have demonstrated that Palestinians have no choice but to continue their resistance against occupation, aggression and the violations of their rights.

We are of the view that the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland and holding a referendum for self-determination are the most effective solutions for the Palestinian Question. Through this referendum, the Palestinian Muslims, Jews and Christians will be able to choose their own political system and enjoy their rights freely and equally.

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