News ID : 49813

Envoy: Iran's proposal in Vienna compatible with JCPOA, UNSCR 2231

Envoy: Iran's proposal in Vienna compatible with JCPOA, UNSCR 2231

"We are talking about the same conditions that are embedded in the JCPOA and resolution 2231; the same conditions that form the very foundations of the JCPOA; and the same conditions that resulted in reciprocal commitments of the parties in the JCPOA," Takht Ravanchi said in a statement addressing the United Nations Security Council On “Non-Proliferation: implementation of Security Council resolution 2231 (2015).

 The full text of Takht Ravanchi speech is as follows:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

It is heartening that today, the Council, once again, is expressing its consistent position that the JCPOA must be restored and implemented in full.

This, however, can be realized only if all necessary conditions are met in real terms.

Make no mistake! We are not imposing any preconditions or new conditions.

We are talking about the same conditions that are embedded in the JCPOA and resolution 2231; the same conditions that form the very foundations of the JCPOA; and the same conditions that resulted in reciprocal commitments of the parties in the JCPOA.

Without full satisfaction of these conditions, the accord is useless for the Iranian people. We, therefore, call for the full, timely, unconditional and verifiable implementation of the JCPOA; no more, no less.

Attempts to link the JCPOA’s implementation to extraneous issues or raising ideas such as the renegotiation of the JCPOA to expand its scope or extend its timelines or proposals like more for more or less for less are totally unacceptable and doomed to fail.

Let’s refresh our memory with a flashback to the underlying causes for the current situation. The JCPOA is founded on two pillars: Iran’s nuclear-related commitments and the reciprocal commitments for the lifting of UN, EU and U.S. sanctions against Iran as well as promoting normal economic and trade relations with our country. All these commitments are meticulously worded and explained in detail in the JCPOA and resolution 2231.

In accordance with the JCPOA, other parties are committed, and I quote, “to ensure Iran’s access in areas of trade, technology, finance and energy”, end of quote. Specifically, the United States, in addition to its obligation to lift sanctions against Iran, is explicitly committed, and I quote, to “make best efforts in good faith to sustain this JCPOA and to prevent interference with the realization of the full benefit by Iran of the sanctions lifting”, end of quote. The fact is that we have been completely deprived of our rights and benefits under the JCPOA for almost four years.

Now, certain States try to deceptively portray our insistence on the full and verifiable restoration of our rights as an unconstructive and inflexible position.

At the same time, they are dead silent about the unlawful and inhumane sanctions of the United States, which, by any measure, is an all-out economic war against Iran, aimed at collectively punishing an entire nation, targeting the most vulnerable people the most, harming the poor more than the rich, the ill people more than the healthy ones, and infants and children more than adults.

These acts are indeed equivalent to economic terrorism.

In this regard, the UN Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures calls the U.S. sanctions “unjust and harmful”, “destroying the economy and currency of Iran, driving millions of people into poverty and making imported goods unaffordable, including “urgently needed humanitarian goods”.


Mr. President,

The United States has committed multiple cases of “significant non-performance” under the JCPOA and still is in continuous systematic material breach of its legal obligations under resolution 2231, the UN Charter and international law.

It is also in defiance of the unanimous order of the International Court of Justice of 3 October 2018, requiring the U.S. to remove impediments to humanitarian trade with Iran.

As a result of such gross violations of international law, the scope and extent of the damage to the Iranian people and economy is severe, resulting in the loss of many lives as well as a vast serious disruption in our economy.

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