News ID : 50040

Iran had no direct talks with US in past months: FM spox

Iran had no direct talks with US in past months: FM spox

He said that during the latest round of nuclear talks in Vienna, the Iranian delegation present in the negotiations was targeted with a media and public diplomacy warfare by some countries bigger than any times before which ran contrary to what was actually happening around the negotiations table.

Especially, he stressed, the three European countries occasionally indulged in this kind of campaign by offering both false and engineered information instead of concentrating their time and energy on the talks. 

He noted that two new agreement texts are now at hand which are the outcomes of very intensive talks in Vienna during several days.

These new texts contain Iran's new proposals together with the old ones offered by the former Iranian negotiations team, he added, noting that now Iran has text which will form the basis of future talks.

Commenting on the measures taken by Iran with regard to Iranian nationals who were detained in Turkey and extradited to the Syrian Army, Khatibzadeh said the issues will be discussed during the Turkish president's upcoming visit to Iran.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the official said that the visit of the Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian to Baku to take place within a few days serves to review bilateral and trade relations.

He also referred to a short meeting between the Iranian foreign minister and his Saudi counterpart on the sidelines of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) session in Pakistan.
He added that a meeting was also held between Iran and Afghanistan delegation during the same event.
He stated that all participating delegations in the OIC session had clearly announced that establishing an inclusive government reflecting the whole spectrum of Afghanistan's ethnic groups would be the only solution to the crisis in the country.
He went on to say that grounds are being prepared for the visit of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Iran.
In response to a question of whether Iran will move toward 90% enrichment if the Vianna talks on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) fail, Khatibzadeh said Iran as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will comply with its commitments under the safeguard agreement and the NPT.

Iran had earlier stressed that regulations under the safeguard agreement are just legally binding for Iran, he said, adding that quality and level of enrichment will be decided based on Iran's peaceful nuclear program needs.
Reacting to the Israeli regime's threats of a military attack on Iran, he said that the Zionists will attempt their best to prevent any agreement in the region.
The regime is rooted in terror, instability and insecurity, he reiterated.
The spokesman went to express regret for the international community for ignoring the fact that the Zionist regime which has a nuclear warhead but is a member of non of related international organizations is officially threatening a civilized country.
Khatibzadeh advised those countries which claim to advocate international laws and human rights to stand against such a regime that threatens another country.
Highlighting the US officials' attempts to initiate an orchestrated attempt to provoke European countries against Iran, Khatibzadeh said they should be aware of the fact that the US is responsible for the current situation.
The only way to receive a JCPOA membership ticket would be through a verifiable path for implementing the JCPOA and the UNSCR2231, he stressed.
Elsewhere in his remarks, the official said that Iran is focusing just on the results of negotiations and will follow up talks with optimism and determination, expressing pessimism toward US's will and motives.
Negotiations will continue after Christmas Holliday, Khatibzadeh said, stating hope for reaching a result if the other parties lift sanctions effectively and verifiably.

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