News ID : 50245

AEOI chief: Iran nuclear activities within IAEA regulations

AEOI chief: Iran nuclear activities within IAEA regulations

"Tehran's nuclear program aims to support the country's industrial production needs, as well as the needs of Iranian consumers for certain goods," Eslami was quoted by Russian media as saying.


"All our nuclear activities are carried out according to the agreements, statutes and regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency," he added.


Tehran does not intend to exceed the 60% level of uranium enrichment even if the parties to the negotiations in Vienna do not come to an agreement and the United States does not lift its sanctions, he said.


Earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said that Iran has reached a good agreement with the IAEA.


He said that the new agreement would remove the alleged concerns about Iran's peaceful nuclear program and would help cooperation between Iran and the UN nuclear agency to make further progress.


He refuted claims that Iran has had some demands further than the 2015 nuclear agreement – known as the JCPOA – in its two proposed texts during recent negotiations in Vienna with G4+1.

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