News ID : 50546

Pres. Raisi describes Jesus Christ as symbol of resistance against oppressors

Pres. Raisi describes Jesus Christ as symbol of resistance against oppressors

He issued the messages on the occasion of the advent of new Christian year.

In the messages, he expressed his sincere congratulations on the auspicious birth anniversary of Jesus whom he described as "Prophet of Endurance and Peace" and felicitated them on the beginning of 2022 AD.

The birth anniversary of Jesus who manifests the Spirit of God (Ruhollah) is dear and happy occasion for the people of Iran too, President Raisi said, stressing that he is no less respected by Muslims than Christians.

The president Jesus is the embodiment of resistance against the oppressors and an inspiration for freedom-seeking souls in their struggle against the dictators.

Noting that Jesus and his holy mother are mentioned many times in the Quran, he said global developments, especially the COVID-19 pandemic, proved once again that the safety and destiny of human beings are interwoven.

President Raisi said the cooperation among world countries in face of the ongoing crisis, especially in the field of vaccination, despite certain countries' reluctance to provide essential healthcare items because of so-called sanctions, clearly highlighted the important need for a decent international system which could guarantee rationality, justice and spirituality.

He further hoped that in the new year, plight of human beings will come to an end by relying on the moral virtues of the Abrahamic religions and as promised by the Jesus Christ and stressed in the Gospel divine providence as well as the righteous servants of God rule over the earth and may humanity prosper.

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