News ID : 52185

Leader: US suffering blows now from where it never even imagined

Leader: US suffering blows now from where it never even imagined

He said that today, two American presidents, the present and the previous ones, have joined hands to tarnish what is left of the US dignity and they are successful at that.

The Leader made the remarks on Tuesday when he received the commanders, officers and staff members of Iran Army Air Force.

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the importance of full vaccination to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and recommended people to heed to medical staff advices in this regard and said that he had already received his third dose of coronavirus vaccine.

The meeting is taking place on the 43rd anniversary of allegiance of Air Force commanders and officers to the late Imam Khomeini- father of the Islamic Revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic.  

Today marks the day in history when a large group of Iranian Air Force commanders and officers pledged their allegiance to Imam Khomeini on February 8, 1979.
The crucial meeting led to victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

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