News ID : 52240

Leader: US suffering blows now from where it never even imagined

Leader: US suffering blows now from where it never even imagined

He said that today, two American presidents, the present and the previous ones, have joined hands to tarnish what is left of the US dignity and they are successful at that.

The Leader made the remarks on Tuesday when he received the commanders, officers and staff members of Iran Army Air Force.

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the importance of full vaccination to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and recommended people to heed to medical staff advices in this regard and said that he had already received his third dose of coronavirus vaccine.

The meeting took place on the 43rd anniversary of allegiance of Air Force commanders and officers to the late Imam Khomeini- father of the Islamic Revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic.  

Today marks the day in history when a large group of Iranian Air Force commanders and officers pledged their allegiance to Imam Khomeini on February 8, 1979.
The crucial meeting led to victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

According to the Supreme Leader's official website, he also said that "I have received the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and I advise our dear people to do what our experts and physicians believe is necessary.

The US is receiving a blow from a place it never expected. Today the two US presidents - the former and the current president - have joined hands to ruin whatever was left of the US reputation, and they're doing it. They are weakening the US, and this will continue."

Whenever the camp of truth enters the field to confront the camp of falsehood, the enemy makes miscalculations despite all its superficial, hollow power and splendor. The Army Air Force’s blow to the decaying body of the Pahlavi regime on February 8, 1979, was an example of this.

Referring to the historic move of the Air Force, the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces stated, “Although the current generation of the Air Force was not present on that day, all those who are working in the Air Force in a dutiful manner have a share in the honor achieved on that day. Because that move was actually a pledge of allegiance to the ideals and that holy struggle under the authoritative command of Imam [Khomeini] (may God bestow paradise on him). Therefore, that spiritual movement is continuing at the present time as well, and all those who move on the path of those ideals are sharing in it.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed that an important feature of that very influential movement was the Air Force officer’s knowledge about the needs of the time and that the accomplishment of that very intelligent move was the result of insight, “That movement also showed that the calculations of the US and the sinister Pahlavi regime were wrong, and they were dealt a blow from a place they never imagined.”

Imam Khamenei emphasized that the most important lesson to be taken from that historic event was, “If the forces in the camp of truth and Islam have an active, effective, hopeful participation in every field of endeavor – including military, scientific, research and other fields – and if they show no fear of the superficial power and splendor of the other side, then the enemy’s calculations will definitely turn out to be wrong because this is God’s inviolable promise.”

He added, “Today too, the Americans’ calculations have turned out to be wrong, and they are receiving a blow from a place they had never imagined before, from their own presidents – the current one and the previous one. They have joined hands to destroy with their actions whatever was left of the US’s reputation.”

The Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces stated that the deep insight that existed in the Air Force originated from their close contact with the American advisors during the tyrannical regime because under that regime they were witness to these advisors dictatorial, immoral behavior. Furthermore, he stated, “The Americans’ presence in Iran’s Army was a sad story about which today’s young generation are not probably well-informed. One example of them was the frequent use of the Iranian army by the US and England for suppressing other innocent nations. This was one of the Pahlavi regime’s betrayals against the Iranian Army and the Iranian nation. It was also a crime against other nations.”

Stressing the significance of “the struggle for clarification,” the Leader described the photo that was published of the Air Force officers’ pledge of allegiance to Imam Khomeini as an instance of the effective use of clarification. He added, “The reason behind the perpetuality and influence of that historical, transforming event was the artistic photo that was published. This made the most of the limited media sources that existed in those days, and this shows the irreplaceable effect of a correct narration.”

Referring to the emergence of various media, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that the definite policy of the anti-Islamic and anti-Iranian media is to distort the truth using professional lies. He explained this by saying, “In order to implement this policy, they attempt to decorate the ugly, corrupt face of the tyrannical regime and cover up its crimes. Worse, they even work to adorn the totally criminal nature of SAVAK. And on the other hand, by distorting the image of the Revolution and Imam Khomeini, they completely hide the achievements and positive aspects of the Revolution and magnify weak points by hundreds of times. Therefore, in the face of this aggression by the media, the struggle for clarification is a definite, urgent need.”

Imam Khamenei described the dictatorship of the media as being one of the various kinds of dictatorship practiced by the western powers despite their claims of freedom of speech. He stated that an example of this is their elimination of the name and any pictures of Martyr Soleimani from the internet. He emphasized that, “They put a ban on the publication of any word or picture that is contrary to the west’s policies. At the same time, they use that same environment to destroy Islam and the Islamic Republic.”

Referring to the enemy’s “hybrid warfare” against Iran – that is, economic, political, security, media and diplomatic aggression – Imam Khamenei said, “In the face of this hybrid and comprehensive aggression, we cannot remain in a position of defense forever. We too must be active in using a combination of forces in various areas including the media, security and economic areas. The intellectuals and especially the officials of the country have a duty to work in these areas.”

At the end of his statements, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that the increasing achievements of the country, despite the wishes of ill-intentioned individuals, is a sign of a better future for the Iranian nation. He said, “In the same way that the Islamic Republic has moved forward powerfully over the past 43 years, and as it has become more powerful and deeply rooted day by day, this movement too, with God’s grace, will continue even better in the future than it has in the past and the enemy will continue to fail.”

Referring to the arrival of the blessed month of Rajab, Imam Khamenei urged the people and in particular the youth to benefit from the divine, spiritual blessings of this month.

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